Monday, September 04, 2006

i'm waiting for the tea pot to boil before i go upstairs, so i thought i would blog quickly.

i'm into my third week of school. although every teaching position is difficult, i feel like this one is so much better than last because of the support i'm given. a mother wanted to interupt the end of my day last week to have a quick conference re: her daughter... and guess what: the principal wouldn't allow it! i could hardly believe it. he calmed her down and by the time school was over and we met, i felt like we had a very productive conference. also... we had a student suspended this week. although that may not seem like positive news, it is: follow through. kids feel a lot safer in an environment where there are consequences to actions.

eddie and i made dinner together. we were hoping some friends were going to be able to make it, but they won a few too many games in the softball tournament in cinci. it was still a really good time. eddie and i haven't cooked together for a long time and it was fun. well really anything with eddie is a lot of fun. he is just goofy all the time:)

finally got to go and visit bg. that was really nice. a lot had changed... but it was good. my parents put in a new privacy fense and took out a bunch of bushes. it makes our backyard look huge~!

anna is still really sick. it is hard watching. especially since she has to just keep on going about her days like nothing is different. pray for her.

other than this... nothing else is going on.