Friday, December 31, 2004

last of the 2004 year...
it is amazing how time flies... and how much i feel i waste??!!
i keep thinking how blessed i am... i wish i took less things for granted

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

5 hours left

Monday, December 20, 2004

today's events=
car door frozen shut
car wouldn't start
car charger not fully charged
gas tank empty - how did this happen?
friend's jumper cables broken as taken out of bag
puberty films for the fifth grade

21 hours left....:)

Sunday, December 19, 2004

this is me

I am a hybrid of:
Girl Next Door
Progressive Girl

Click on the pictures below to read more:


I am a hybrid of:
Girl Next Door
Progressive Girl

Click on the pictures below to read more:

Girl Next DoorProgressive Girl
Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at

">">Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at

thanks to a friend, my puppy slept in with me until 11! haven't slept that late for a very long time. the rest of my day has consisted of nothingness. in one sense i feel guilty-there is a lot to be done... and another, i feel like i have deserved it.

i've almost completed the Life of Pi. very interesting. he holds a very unique perspective of life. his spiritual life is very eclectic, much like a friend's: so he says. i can't quite comprehend it... but i would still recommend this book.

47 hours... maybe more if i can't get to the airport personally. my heart aches.

marykay miracle set is listed in Oprah's magazine under favorite things... encouraging.

yesterday i was reminded how much i miss city life.

yesterday a lot of memories flooded back. mostly good. some to make you think:

friend's wedding yesterday: this is where i have a hard time with this blog thing... open to the whole world. i don't want it to color my honesty...

she is/was a good friend. friendships are hard to maintain sometimes. i let myself become pessimistic from things communicated. it was not as expected. i wish them well... and hope to rekindle the friendship.

speaking of friends... i met a new one and reestablished an old one... thanks

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

i have a student this year who is very coniving... (spelling???) she is the only person who has every made me question what i actually saw! her behavior is very secretive... she most of the time isn't the one caught... but gets other students in trouble instead. it is not good. i get tired just from keeping track of her.

today's thing was i found a lighter... a LIGHTER! in fifth grade! she (i think) put it in another student's social studies book. she then took another student's reading book. i caught her with the reading book, because i had secretely coded them:) i need suggestions in how to monitor her, it really is kind of scary. maybe i should consult justin... maybe he could give me some interrogation techniques. is it look to the left and you are recalling truth, look to the right and you are making something up?

off to grade papers:)